bad blogger i know!
so its been a while
hmmm..lets see
just was revived from a mild heart attack.. my computer somehow got a virus that deleted my entire registry.. so i have to do a clean sweep and start the computer all over from new.. thankfully all my pictures were saved on my external.. WORD TO THE WISE.. get an external harddrive the BEST 100-200.00 you will ever spend... on a sad note i lost my photoshop.. so until I can afford to pay for a new version i do have a trial version for a month to keep me afloat..
Sierra is now in HIP HOP and liking it.. on week #2... she lost another tooth... both of the big kids went to the dentist.. all is well both recieved xrays.. and Si's indicating.. BRACES are in our near future! LOL.. like that was a suprise...
oh.. she will be featured on a "young rembrandts" website very soon they just followed her around in her class for that
D is doing amazing.. knock on wood.. a few spouts of "anger" issues but woah he is awesome... we were driving home from the docs the other day and he looks at me like he was 16 and says... "MOM I NEED TO GET MY LICENSE SO I CAN GET A "FORNER" CAR"
what in the?!?!
we also survived another family bday for all 3 kids.. it was fun kids had a blast.. and once again got more than they should have!
anywho.. cant post without posting a few random shots.. these are from the morton arboretum.. "THANKS PRICE FAMILY FOR BEING SO SWEET AND GETTING US PASSES WE ADORED THE PLACE"
well ixnay that i cant find them on the computer.. hmmm
will post when i find them
in the meantime
thanks again Dana, Brent and Zoe