Sunday, April 19, 2009

another wonderful chicago resource.. the peggy notebart nature museum

tip #2 going green is straight from the peggy notebart nature museum.. A WONDERFUL, GORGEOUS & EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE!

Green Cleaning

Humans have been cleaning their homes since we first established permanent settlements 10,000 years ago, but most of the cleaners we use today have chemicals in them that were developed during and after World War II. Currently there are no laws in the United States that regulate chemicals used in the home other than pesticides. Therefore, almost all of the chemicals found in cleaning supplies, cosmetics, and personal care products have undergone no meaningful tests of any kind. They can contain a host of substances that can not only affect the air we breathe, but also the way our body works.

Switching from your current way of cleaning to green cleaning will help the planet, your family, and even your pocketbook. You can start by switching to safer store-bought products, or you can mix your own easy, affordable cleaners from the recipes listed on this page. Just remember, you don’t have to change everything at once. Your commitment to eco-living is valuable, and as you begin to make changes, you’ll notice all sorts of rewards that will keep you going on the path to green living.

All Purpose Cleaners



Glass and Mirror Cleaners

Floor Cleaners


Oven Cleaners



Green Cleaning Tips

Level 2, Extreme Green House

Don’t be cooped up all year with potentially hazardous chemicals! Discover cheaper, more effective, and ecologically sound ways to keep your home clean in this free demonstration. Times and days vary.

For more information on cleaning your home toxin-free, check out these books in the museum store!

Green Clean: The Environmentally Sound Guide to Cleaning Your Home by Linda Mason Hunter and Mikki Halpin

Green Up Your Cleanup by Jill Potvin Schoff