simply the best easiest fanciest eggs around
the blog world these days are filled with so many creative women out there. this one just blew me away..
i saw the picture and was basically dumbfounded when i saw the intricacy and delicate nature of these eggs.. thinking to myself.. WOW she must be an artist of some kind.">
well.. turns out I CAN DO THIS all you need are a few old silk ties (im sure old silk scarves would work as well) you can go to your local thrift store, goodwill or raid grams and gramps closets
to read the full instructions and just to see how easy this is... visit OUR BEST BITES
really they are just amazing.. you should all run and do this.. and WOW your family this Easter Sunday!!!
COOL! Thanks for sharing your cool finds! I am definitely doing this and looking like a rock star on Easter;)
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